last updated 2004-08-27
Powermanga is an arcade 2D shoot-em-up game for GNU/Linux.
Ports exist for Amiga, BeOS, FreeBSD, NetBSD, MorphOS and XBox.
The download page has more details.
- 41 levels, 14 big-boss
- more than 200 sprites
- 320*200 or 640*400 pixels
- window mode or full screen
- support 8,15,16,24 and 32 bits
The Linux version requires the following:
- Linux Kernel 2.x
- GNU C Libraries 2.x (glibc)
- SDL 1.2
- SDL mixer 1.2
- XFree86 3.3.x or 4.x, or X11R6.x from
- Pentium or PowerPC Processor
- 32 MB RAM
- 80 MB swap
- 8,16, or 24 bits video card
- OSS or ALSA sound card compatible
This Linux Game Programming site owned by
Bruno Ethvignot.
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